Fur Harvesters Auction Inc. held the first major fur sale of 2014, which will help set the stage for the fur market the rest of the season. Prices for most items were off from the 2013 highs, but compared to the low levels in the market just a few years ago, fur prices aren’t looking too terrible. It’s FHA’s job to get the most value for their trappers and they have a positive outlook on the position trappers are in considering the recent market woes. At the same time, many trappers who sold fur last year will be complaining about these prices. Take a look at the numbers and decide for yourself.
Here are some highlights:
Beaver – $32.79 average overall, with 1st section pelts selling at highest price and %. (over 20,000 sold)
Wild Mink – $17.61 average, 50% sold
Otter – $55.32 average, mostly unsold (only 12% sold)
Muskrat – $9.34 – $10.11 averages, with almost all sold
Raccoon – averages ranging from $7.90 – $36.04, wide variation depending on location. Poor clearance (only about 1/3 sold overall).
Red Fox – averages ranging from $21.84 – $86.94. Eastern and Northern skins sold extremely well, Central were mainly unsold.
Coyote – $56.90 average
Click here to view the full FHA January 2014 Auction Report.
I was wonder after the auction, can I still purchase the left over item, I am interest in the mink
Hi Patrick. I’d contact FHA directly to look into private treaty sale for mink. I’m not sure whether they would sell them directly or save them for the next auction. You can try emailing [email protected].
Bobcat fur price for Indiana?
Not sure. Here are some results from Indiana, but they don’t include bobcat.
Do they take marten, fishers, rabbit if so what are their rough worth, young man looking to do some trapping for the season
Hi Cody. Yes they take marten and fisher. I don’t think they take rabbit. I’m not sure what the prices will be. Check out past auctions to see what you might expect. If you are a beginner, you might look for a local fur buyer to sell your fur to. They can often help you find out what your fur is worth and give you other valuable advice.
Interested in knowing the price of bobcat hides from southeast Kansas. Any information would be appreciated. Thank You.
Hi Linda. You might try calling Greg Petska at 308-750-0700. They buy Kansas cats. The Kansas Fur Harvesters held an auction this past weekend but I haven’t seen the results yet. Good luck!
any one know we’re to sell raw skins I have coyote musk rat deer and coon. if your interested call me 208-446-3224
Dates and times for the 2015 fur auction in Missouri. Thanks.
Do you know if fur is going back up for 2015-2016 season